

I am

a junior full stack developer with some work experience. I have a huge passion to learn and create great and intuitive applications.

When I'm not programming I enjoy painting and going on motorcycle trips, I'm already planning my next one!

These are the technologies I am experienced with:


  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • TypeScript
  • Express.js
  • React.js & Next.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • Tailwind CSS & Sass
  • MongoDB


  • Git
  • Docker
  • Jest & Cypress
  • Figma
  • Storyblok (Headless CMS)
Full Stack Development icon

Full Stack Development

From the UI to the database, I enjoy challenging myself in all areas of the stack.

Application Lifecycle Management icon

Application Lifecycle Management

Building applications with scalability and maintainability in mind.

UI/UX Design icon

UI/UX Design

A big passion of mine to improve my designs and concepts to strive for a greater user experince.


Featured Projects

STHLM MC Parking - PWA

A progressive web app, PWA, that helps motorcyclists find parking in Stockholm City. Written in TypeScript with Next.js utilising Googles Maps JavaScript API and Stockholms Stads LvWS 4 API as well as their Parking API.

external link

Full Stack Vehicle Maintenance App

A React Native + Expo application for registering maintenance on you car och motorcycle. The backend is an Express REST API with a MongoDB database.

external link

Full Stack Chat App (Discord Copy)

A PERN-stack web application with channels and servers, running sockets for updating of the chat feeds. The application can be run using docker compose or locally. Contains unit tests and github workflow.

external link

24-hour Weather App

A small React weather app displaying the current days weather. The data comes from the OpenWeather API. The background changes throughout the day based on the suns activity and type of weather data.

external link


Reach Me

I am currently open for a new adventure, so if you think I'll be a great fit for you team, don't hesitate to say hi!